1. Introduction. All the software works in matlab enviroment under unix (for example on Cosmo system). I want to rewrite it all in c++, but you don't have time probably to wait. To work with this software (sorry but it isn't user friendly) you must use matlab, change directory to this where files are and type command main. Then you must use combination of GUI and matlab command line. Input files should be in binary format same as the one used in reader.c: /*file header*/ typedef struct { unsigned int frames; unsigned int size; }Format; /*and then frames*/ typedef struct { unsigned int frame_nb; unsigned int frame_time; float *tab;/*size of this table is described in file header*/ }frame; All data in network byte order. 2. Description of files and options. a) Files (most importent). main.m - this file start program window reader.c - source code of data loader (to use it must be compiled from matlab - if I remember the command is mex). Check it to examine the required input files format - remember all data should be in network bytes order. maxfinder.c - source file of function which find translation between signals (time delay in fact) speed_cross.m - making calculations of velocity cross section mass_flow.m - calculating of mass flow b) Flags and variables (most importent). To examine or change flags and variables use matlab commnad line (or GUI for some of them). len=lenght of the gap between electrodes pixel_nb=number of the current pixel (to change use rather GUI) max_speed=higher limit of velocity. step=value of step when you use next-prev button to move signal window (to change use rather GUI) correlation_width=size of signal window (to change use rather GUI) width=width of square (so height=width) of images save_mode=the name should be safe_mode but I was too lazy to correct it in all files. The value 0 disable and value 1 enable of safe mode of calculating velocity (to avoid some stupid results). show_speed=should I calculate velocity or show only translation (time delay)? 1-speed calcualting on, 0-off load_mode=0-just load as you get,1-load average value of all pixels,2-load average values of selected pixels (see load2.m example) speed_mode=0-simple maximum value algorithm,1-central mass point algorythm 3. How to do? a) How to see correlation function? Use GUI and CORRELATION (or PREV, NEXT) button. b) How to see velocity in function of time? Use SPEED button and wait. c) How to get speed cross section? - edit file speed_cross.m to set proper arguments (names, resolution, signal window, flags) - run this file for example: speed_cross;save mv.mat mv; d) How to get mass flow? - use first speed_cross (with velocity multiplay by concentration) - edit and set parameters in file mass_flow.m - run it (mass_flow) 4. Errors. I don't have unix matlab enviroment at home or at work so I used my memory to describe the procedures. Because of it there may be some errors. Some part of code is reader friendly but some is written in spagetti style (reader unfriendly). In case of any problems just write me.